
Rhyme • Helping • Your • Mindset • Evolve


Hiya I’m Oonagh & I am the creator of R•H•Y•M•E
Rhyme poetry was first established in 2019 following the encouragement of others to share my passion of creating meaningful and deeply personal poems.
I always had a love for poetry and especially the emotion that could be evoked from the story the words told.
Through Rhyme, I was able to share this love and tell the beautiful stories of others with thoughtfully placed Rhyming words.
In February 2022, after a powerful meditation under a Full Moon, R•H•Y•M•E as we now know it was established.
During this period came the revelation that  R•H•Y•M•E was in fact an acronym for Rhyme Helping Your Mindset Evolve.
Although it had been there all along, only then did it become obvious as to what  R•H•Y•M•E and its future looked like. It was time to embrace the change and truly align with my passions.
From there I began sharing my words with others, through daily quotes, thoughts and wonders.
My aim was to help motivate, encourage and support others, through the ups and downs of daily life, in an effort to better their Mindset.
I have continued to share my words and have been truly overwhelmed by the feedback I have received, for which I am forever grateful.
I am so excited to share with you now my very own Affirmation Deck and collection of mugs and scents! It has been a long and challenging process, but I really do hope you love each item as much as I do.
Whether it is using the Affirmation Deck as part of your daily routine, setting an intention with your morning cuppa, or lighting a candle for a few moments of mindfulness, I truly hope that this collection does indeed assist with
‘Rhyme Helping Your Mindset Evolve’
With so much gratitude and love